Around the Arena

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Around the Arena

The FSCDA competition year is about to start, last weekend was a great beginning with a protocol day at Cobargo, a lovely day that was enjoyed by everyone that attended. It was fantastic to see quite a few new faces as well as the familiar ones.

As most people are aware dressage means training, we train our horses  to carry themselves and us more easily, for various disciplines, for fun and for dressage competition. Are we throwing marks away though? It seems we are, by not practicing accurately and thinking about where we are riding in the arena, an article on this subject was published in the EA newsletter and it’s certainly worth reading.   Click here to read Throwing away valuable marks

Enjoy the read…… Chris





3 thoughts on “Around the Arena”

  1. Was listening to a lady telling a rider a comp the other week that she needed to salute both judges, I didn’t think it was correct but wasn’t 100% sure about so this confirms that you “Only need to salute the C judge – you won’t lose marks though if you salute the others”

  2. Thanks for this. Its interesting when you pencil and see what people are loosing marks for. From what I have experienced its often the really simple moves that they are loosing points on, not the hard stuff. I guess we are so busy practicing the hard stuff we get sloppy with the everyday moves.

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